When Thoughts and Freedom Collide: Understanding Cognitive Dissonance and Reactance in Everyday Life
In psychology, there are two intriguing concepts that influence our behavior and decisions: cognitive dissonance and reactance. These phenomena are omnipresent and have a significant impact on our daily lives. In this article, we will delve deeper into cognitive dissonance and reactance, using simple examples from everyday life to understand how they work. Specifically, we will explore dogmatic approaches, such as those practiced by some vegans (I am vegan myself) and their effects on others. In the end, you are welcome to decide and reflect on whether dogmatic (or "militant") approaches are truly effective or counterproductive. What is Cognitive Dissonance? Cognitive dissonance occurs when we experience an internal conflict due to incongruence between our thoughts, opinions, or beliefs. People feel discomfort when they realize they hold contradictory viewpoints or behaviors. This discomfort motivates them to reduce this discrepancy and restore mental harmony. Imagine ...